3/31/2009 01:34:00 PM

close to tears

from the keyboards of misis_pb

The world does not owe me anything.  So i should stop always feeling like it does.

I struggle like everyone else on this planet. I fight to survive, and that does not make me any different from the rest of the world.

I just wanted a moment of your time before you leave. TO think that you'll be gone for days makes my heart pop-up a frown. And you call this too emotional?  I hope you would stop mocking my emotions.  I have feelings and i love feeling it.  It makes me human.  And now I'm just too filled with pain and sadness. But I'm sure it will eventually go away.

I'm trying my best not to shed some tears while writing this. 1. because I'm in the office and 2.  If i start crying, it'll go on for more than an hour.  Been controlling myself from crying despite the "goings-on" around me.

But really, what's so wrong about asking for a few minutes of your time?  Am I really not worth it?  Am I on the end of your list?  What part of it don't you understand?  My reaction is quite normal I must say.  I feel bad because I know its possible to allot a few minutes for me but you simply chose not to.  And my God! How can I compete with a whole municipality? I can't believe you actually mentioned it.

You go on ahead and spend time away as long as you want.  I wont stop you but i hope when i find the courage to get out and travel ON MY OWN, you wont stop me or feel bad about it. I'd still go home to you.  Maybe you need this break as much i do.

I'll be fine. eventually. 


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