Another opportunity to express my creative juices... The boss asked me to make an invitation for his daughter's birthday. Made a photomosaic as an invite. Thanks to Andrea Mosaic's free downloadable program. Would not have opted for the photomosaic if not for their program. The program's very easy to manipulate, it wont take a day to learn the nitty-gritty of their interface. The processing though of the outcome may take a while, depending on the size of file and the number of tiles, both of which you will specify before creating the mosaic.
As much as I'd like to share the mosaic i made, i will opt not to, it's a collection of personal photos of my boss and his family and i would not want to hear anything from him about me posting it in the net. I will share though some snapshots of the finish products. The invites itself.
The kid wanted a "friendship" kind of theme. I made this irregular heart shaped tag. Placed a clipart of two stick figures holding hands and under it the word "best friends". The wooden heart clip is just an accidental find in the bookstore. But it came out nice and accentuated the whole package. For the envelopes, I bought 2 types, the recycled dyed paper and some plaid ones. The recycle paper looked more fun so that's what i used. The garterized strings were then used to keep the envelop in place.
This is another art under pressure and it actually turned out great! The Boss' daughter sent me a thank you text message as soon as she got it, I thanked her back and said i had fun making them!
Andif you're wondering why im under pressure, read my post here to understand it better.
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